Our Story

In 2021 I decided I wanted to separate my supplements from my therapy business…but I needed a name. I had one main one I chose, and dabbled with the idea of about 100 more to see what felt right. When I settled on one, I sent it in to the logo person, panicked and changed it again. The one we landed on is Calibre Equine Naturals. We chose this for the mare who started the official journey with pre-mixed herbal supplements, UA Undeniable Calibre. This mare was the picture of perfection from day 1 to year 3, where she tested every ounce of my already fairly vast knowledge on plants (and patience) for horses. We spent thousands and thousands on vets, mare support supplements, regumate, ceramic blankets, saddles, bits, bitless bridles, chiro, massage, exams, trainers, trainers and more trainers, you name it, we tried it. Her first choice was always to go UP or BACK instead of forward. She acted like she was just itching for a fight any time she was out of her pasture. That’s when my aunt stepped in with a mix she made for her own horses for me to try, to help ease the stress of their show horse life. We gave it a month on a double dose and I was sold. I ended up purchasing the recipe to make and market for my clients after she suggested it, tweaked the recipe a bit, and Belly Blend was born!
UA Undeniable Calibre has since sold, but as of this year we have spent 5 years making and selling this first product with huge success. We are so excited about our growth, and can't wait to see where it takes us in 2022!